Boy battling cancer gets superhero surprise visit from Catholic Central wrestlers
FOX 2 - A parade of superheroes invaded a Plymouth neighborhood to celebrate the birthday of 3-year-old Finley O'Hara.
"To say we were surprised was an understatement, based on the outpouring of the love and support of everything the young men did with their time to make Finley's day a little more enjoyable," said David O'Hara.
It couldn't come at a better time. Last March in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, Finley was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer that has now spread to his lungs.
The family has been forced to split their time between Mott Children's Hospital and being sequestered in their home. But once a socially distanced Spiderman showed up, they got to forget all of that - at least for a little while.
"Finley really didn't know what to make of it," David said. "You could probably see from the video. He opened up a little bit but I think it was an overwhelming experience."
The young men behind the masks is the Catholic Central wrestling team - where dad David O'Hara wrestled back in the day.
"When we heard about this as a team and as a program coach said that we have to help improve this," said student Michael Ramirez. "Finley was a phenomenal kid. Just watching him and the reaction he had, it was incredible to see. It meant the world to my team."
They brought balloons bubbles, presents, dressed up and cheered for Finley. Their coach, Mitch Hancock, has been challenging the boys to give back to their community - couldn't be prouder.
"For these guys to come through the way they did, is not surprising to me, but it was remarkable," Hancock said.
Finley is still taking it all in. His dad says he has since had his tumor and kidney removed, and they remain positive as Finley continues chemo and radiation.
The support the O'Hara family received, just made this little superhero's fight that much stronger.
"I didn't anticipate the level of what these young men put together," David said. "Just to bring some joy and happiness to the kids is more than we can ask."