Family says bags a suffocation risk for pets

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A horrible discovery for one family, finding their dog suffocated to death after getting its head stuck in a bag of food. We have found that many other dogs have faced the same fate.

For 8 years, Jake offered the Isaac family what only a dog could, unconditional love.

"He was a big lover and a good dog; he would sprint out the door any time he could,” said Lindsey Isaacs, who lost her dog to pet suffocation.

Along with the boundless energy came an insatiable appetite.

"He loved food, any chance he would get he would beg and give you puppy dog eyes,” said Lindsey Isaacs.

Never did they think his hunger would get him killed.

"Jake never bothered bags, the first time he did was the last time. Our family is devastated,” said Sandy Isaacs.

This past Saturday, when Lindsey came home she could not find Jake.

"I couldn't find him anywhere and usually if he's not running down hallway he's asleep in mom's room so I followed him down the hallway and found him on the floor with bag stuck on his head,” said Lindsey Isaacs.

This is the bag of cat food. As Jake tried with a dog's determination to get the food, he slowly ran out of oxygen and died.

"I tried to physically get it off and I couldn't get off myself,” said Lindsey Isaacs.

The thought of suffocation never even crossed the mind of the Isaacs; in fact they kept their cat food rolled up and in the back of the cupboard to keep Jake from eating it, let alone suffocation.

In their grief, they shared their story on Facebook and realized they weren't alone.

Prevent Pet Suffocation is a page born of a similar tragedy, like this picture of a dog trapped in a bag of Cheetos. The creator of the site lost his dog in the same way.

"This happens too often. Not just pet food bags, chip bags and other things dogs are suffocating on,” said Lindsey Isaacs.

According to a preventative vet suffocation survey, 69 percent of dog suffocations are due to chip bags, 8 percent by pet food bags. 

"I just want to raise awareness so that people don't have to go through what my daughter and I are going through,” said Sandy Isaacs.

Hoping that one dog owner ditches the bag in favor of a container after hearing this story. 

To learn more about preventing pet suffocation, CLICK HERE.


