Jackets for Jobs gives donated clothes to help others dress for success | FOX 2 Detroit

Jackets for Jobs gives donated clothes to help others dress for success

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"I went through the program, I got my first suit," said Sonya Godbolt.

She's working full time now, but back in 2007 Godbolt was looking for the right threads to impress at a job interview.  

"Putting on a suit jacket and going out into the work-world helped me look forward to strive for something in addition to what I had," Godbolt said.

Jackets for jobs has been around for 18 years. It's the brainchild of a woman and a dream. Helping people feel good when they apply for a job and keep them feeling good by dressing well. 

"We help them look professional, we help them put their best foot forward, because we know first impressions are made in the first 30 seconds," said Alison Vaughn. "So when somebody goes for a job interview, they want to look sharp when they walk in the door so before they even give out the resume, the company is going to look at them and say I think this company will represent our company."

Twenty-thousand people have been helped. TJ Maxx has helped by donating purses, socks, and other clothes. Employees at HAP just wrapped up a drive to collect used clothing. 

"Our (HAP) employees said thank you, thank you! Thank you for doing this," said Renee Yancy, HAP. "I was going to give this away to this organization or I was going to put it in one of the drop boxes and how nice I can come to my employer, come to the company I work for and be able to give."

"We are always looking for people to donate," Vaughn said. "We are looking for them to donate as long as they are clean, on hangers, and seasoned and ready for our clients to wear, they can make the donation. All donations are tax-deductible."

There are two locations for the space.  

More info can be found on the website: http://jacketsforjobs.org