Detroit has the best drivers in the U.S., according to study | FOX 2 Detroit

Detroit has the best drivers in the U.S., according to study

Apparently Detroit drivers are the best in the country, according to a recently released study.

QuoteWizard reports that based on the Motor City's statistics on accidents, speeding tickets, DUIs and citations, which includes distracted driving or running a red light, Detroit ranks at No. 1 as the city with the best drivers.

The insurance quote company says they used 2 million driver data points to create the list out of America's most populous metro city areas.

QuoteWizard writes:

"The Motor City is home to many distinctions, including having the most expensive car insurance rates in the country. Add the high number of uninsured and oft-unlicensed drivers, and things look start looking bleak for Detroit's roadways. But surprisingly, our study firmly places Detroit in the top spot as America's best driving city. Detroit has the lowest accident rate and second lowest amount of speeding citations according to our data. Congratulations, people of Detroit. Despite a topsy-turvy economy and rapidly transforming city scape, your citizens are great drivers. Of course, you may need to take out a second mortgage to afford car insurance, but that’s a whole other story.

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Back in December 2016, QuoteWizard also ranked the best and worst drivers by state. With 1 being the worst drivers, Michigan ranked 47, beat only by Mississippi, Florida and Rhode Island.

That survey was based on the same criteria.

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"According to our data, Michigan crushes Ohio when it comes to driving ability. Michigan drivers are some of the best in the nation, coming in fourth overall. It’s pretty amazing for a state with such violent weather, but Michigan’s fatality ratings are quite low and its driving behavior commendable. Ohio, however, is the 17th worst on our list. It might be because Ohio drivers get a lot more speeding tickets-they’re number seven for worst speeding offenders nationwide-but its fatalities are also higher. Hopefully the Buckeyes will be able to compensate this season for some sub-par Ohio driving."

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