Detroit's medical marijuana laws could change in November | FOX 2 Detroit

Detroit's medical marijuana laws could change in November

Local religious and community leaders joining forces in Detroit to protest two medical marijuana proposals slated for the November ballot that they say will undo city rules that keep dispensaries away from places like churches and parks.

On November 7, Detroiters will decide on two proposals that have to do with expanding medical marijuana dispensaries and production in the city of Detroit.

New medical marijuana laws in place in Detroit

Two proposals are on the November 7th ballot in Detroit.  Both having to do with expanding medical marijuana dispensaries and production in the City of Detroit.

The two proposals will be on the ballot would amend Detroit's zoning ordinance and opt Detroit into expanded medical marijuana production according to the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act

Pastor Marvin Winans is leading the group of city leaders saying no.

"I ride down the street and the whiff in I smell along with coming from buildings.  It is amazing," Winans said.

He's got councilman Scott Benson on his side who says the vote would just undo what the council has done.

"What these new intitatives are trying to do is take away the legislative body's prerogative and take away something that took two years to enable and had great community support," Benson said.

If Detroiters vote yes on the ballot initiative, it would essentially eliminate the city council's March ordinance that regulated the nearly 283 dispensaries in the city.

"What I am against is for allowing the same situation we saw two years ago, where we had dispensaries everywhere in the city of Detroit," said Councilman James Tate.

If Detroit votes yes, it would mean that the city would have to follow state law regarding medical marijuana dispensaries. The problem with that is the state doesn't regulate the number of dispensaries in the city of Detroit.

"Our children are offended by the smell of marijuana - this plant, this god-given plant? I don't understand these church-going people who are saying God made a mistake when it came to this plant? I don't get it, I don't buy it," said Thomas Lavigne, who wants a yes vote on the proposals.

And others say that the current city Council ordnance puts too much restriction on the medical marijuana business.

"Medical marijuana is a business. Pastor Winans doesn't have a business, he has a business it's his church. Why is he getting involved in medical marijuana business and not his church business?" DeMeeko Williams said.

"It's about children and what our children have access to. They should not have more access to a weed dispensary then they do to a school, to a library, or to a playground," Winans said.

The vote is set for November 7.