Hazel Park closes all schools Friday after threat, may do same on Monday
HAZEL PARK, Mich. (WJBK) - The Hazel Park Schools Superintendent says all schools are closed on Friday, March 23, following social media threats against the schools.
According to a letter posted to the Hazel Park schools Facebook page, a social media threat was posted toward the schools, prompting the district to close all schools and cancel all activities on Friday.
The schools may also be closed on Monday.
The threat has been turned over to law enforcement and the district says it's taking all threats extremely serious.
Read the text of the full letter below:
"Recently, there have been social media posts which suggest threats against schools in the metro Detroit area and across the state to over thirty three school districts. This afternoon [Thursday] we were made aware of a post that made a threat toward Hazel Park Schools. For this reason, we will be closing out schools on Friday, March 23, 2018. All after schools activities will be canceled as well. Over the weekend, we will determine if we will be closed on Monday, March 26, 2018. This threat has been turned over to law enforcement agencies, as we take all threats extremely serious.
As a school community we do not find these posts funny at all. They cause concern and stress, for our students, staff, parents and community members. We ask that as a school community you speak to you children regarding the seriousness of such threats on social media. We appreciate the students who shared these post with the school administration. Please encourage your children to identigy any potential threats and share them with you or an appropriate school official. Our main focus continues to be to preserve a safe teaching and learning environment for all students.
We need your help. Please assist us by remaining calm and supportive in this social media environment. We will communicate with you again over the weekend with any updates that we have."