Oakland Co. sheriff's deputy killed in Florida hit and run | FOX 2 Detroit

Oakland Co. sheriff's deputy killed in Florida hit and run

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A 25-year-old Florida man has been arrested in connection with the death of an Oakland County sheriff's deputy.

Authorities say 31-year-old Jennifer Garringer of Walled Lake, Mich. was killed Sunday evening as she was crossing the street in Orlando. Police say the driver of the vehicle that hit her initially left the scene, but eventually returned at the persuasion of a witness.

Garringer was walking in a marked pedestrian crosswalk near 5901 Universal Boulevard when she was hit. The Florida Highway Patrol says the driver of a 2012 Lexus drove off after striking Garringer.

A woman who saw what happened followed the Lexus through multiple traffic signals. Eventually, police say the driver of the Lexus stopped in a hotel parking lot and the witness was able to pull alongside the vehicle and identify the driver as Yashpaul Boodram. A woman was in the passenger seat as well.

Police say the witness told Boodram she had his license plate number, and was able to convince him to return to the scene of the accident.

Boodram, 25, was arrested for leaving the scene of a crash involving death. Other charges are pending.

The Oakland County Sheriff's Office says Garringer was a forensic lab specialist, assigned to firearms analysis since 2013. She was promoted in June of 2016 to Forensic Lab Specialist II where she worked in Latent Prints Analysis. She got her degree from Wayne State University.

She was on vacation with her husband in Orlando when she was hit and killed.

Our hearts and prayers are with Jennifer’s family during this difficult time,” said Sheriff Michael Bouchard. “Her contributions to our agency in the Forensic Lab have helped to close countless investigations and bring justice to victims. She will truly be missed and our agency is a little less vibrant without her as part of the team.”

FOX 2's Ingrid Kelley will have more on this story tonight on FOX 2 News beginning at 5 p.m.