Michigan Supreme Court decides if voters will weigh in on redistricting

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The Michigan Supreme Court took oral arguments today on whether Michigan voters will have a chance to change the way voting district lines are drawn for congress and the state legislature.  

Outside the high court chamber, demonstrators called for the right to vote on this issue. Inside the chambers, seven Supreme Court justices hold the power to decide if 7 million registered voters should have the right to vote. At stake is the way voting district lines are drawn for the Michigan Legislature and Congress.

Demonstrators were part of the 390,000 citizens who signed a petition to remove the political parties from drowning those lines because the party with the most votes allegedly tilts the districts to favor their party, which is called gerrymandering.

The Michigan Chamber of Commerce, The State Republican Party and others oppose the amendment and claim it is unconstitutional.

"They are the people in power, the people who have controlled the redistricting process for decades so if there is anything they can try to keep it off the ballot, I think they're afraid the people of Michigan want to vote yes on this," said Katie Fahey, petition drive leader.

The lawyer for the opponents tells the court the plan is too complex and should not be on the November ballot.

"This amendment has to be limited in detail and people can digest with reading seven and a half pages of fine point print," said Peter Ellsworth, a lawyer who opposes proposal.

This justice says he was startled by that argument.

"The reason it is startling to me in hearing your position, it really takes away the ability of the voters to have a say," said Justice Richard Bernstein.

The seven justices will issue a ruling on who's right very soon.
