Pet oxygen masks donated to help Detroit firefighters save animals | FOX 2 Detroit

Pet oxygen masks donated to help Detroit firefighters save animals

When emergencies arise, humans aren't the only ones who need saving.

Now the Detroit Fire Department will have more than 800 new pet oxygen masks to help save our furry family members in fires or other emergency situations.

After saving 15 out of 17 dogs trapped in a house fire back in January, firefighters said they only had limited equipment to help save animals in danger.

To support the city's heroes, Detroit Public Safety Foundation donated 278 pet oxygen mask kits on Thursday morning, containing over 800 oxygen masks.

In the video player above, you'll see Detroit Dog Rescue's Kristina Rinaldi and her furry friend demonstrate how the kits are used.

Donors included:

GFL Environmental - Joe Munem ($6,000 check for the purchase of 75 kits)
K9 Defenders Fund - Tracy Spader, Sharon Peters and Patricia Settimo (68 kits)
Invisible Fence® Brand's Project Breathe™ Program Pet Oxygen Masks - Dennis Cohen (62 kits)
Invisible Fence Brand of Ann Arbor
Invisible Fencing Tri-County
Invisible Fence Brand of Shelby
Invisible Fence of Northwest Ohio
Advanced Animal Emergency Hospital of Clinton Twp. - Jamie Jendrowski and Veterinarians Maddy Lutz, DVM and Matthew Hynes, DVM (50 kits)

Dog Aid Community Awareness - Jennifer Clarkston (15 kits)