Political pundit: Coleman Young II has 'huge' chance to beat Mayor Duggan | FOX 2 Detroit

Political pundit: Coleman Young II has 'huge' chance to beat Mayor Duggan

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Detroit's mayoral race is heating up as Coleman Young II says he will challenge Mike Duggan's re-election bid.

Young has spent years as a state lawmaker and he's the son of the city's first black and longest-serving mayor.

"You have to give him a chance to see what he's going to do," said Gerald McKenzie, a Detroit voter.

FOX 2: "Does Coleman Young have a chance to beat Mike Duggan?"

"Huge, he has a chance," said Steve Hood, radio host at 910 AM.

And the reason?

"Name recognition," Hood said. "In this race it will be huge."

He was born Joel Loving but changed his name to Coleman Young. Like his Father, both were State Senators before running for mayor.

Coleman Young, Sr, was Detroit's first black mayor and its longest serving mayor. But is the son just running on his father's name?

Adolf Mongo, is a longtime Detroit political insider and adviser to Young for his mayor campaign.

"Congressmen, senators people use the name," Mongo said. "That's the way the game is."

FOX 2: "What does that mean, will Coleman Young will be a good mayor?"

"Coleman Young II's record speaks for itself," Mongo said. "He's been a good state rep and he's been a great state senator."

Alexis Wiley, Mayor Mike Duggan's chief of staff said, "We will have to run on our record of service in the city of Detroit and he will run most likely on his record in Lansing."

But there are some issues that might come up in the campaign. 

"You've got an 80 percent African-American population (in Detroit)," Hood said. "A lot of people are upset about gentrification, and a lot of people are upset about the mix of downtown and the neighborhoods."

Some voters agree.

"The only thing is Mike Duggan is doing something for, is downtown," McKenzie said. "He hasn't done anything for the city."

"Coleman Young has spent his entire career in Lansing, what has he done for the neighborhoods," Wiley said.

But some say it's the people in the neighborhood who vote.

"Not the people in Midtown, not the folks in Corktown, not downtown," Mongo said. "It's the people in the neighborhoods."

But it takes money to run a city-wide campaign. Adolph Mongo is speaking on behalf of Sen. Young until a formal announcement can be made by him.

"Listen, he's got a million-dollar name," Mongo said. "And the fruit don't fall far from the tree."