Two dogs abandoned, left locked inside Petco bathroom in Allen Park | FOX 2 Detroit

Two dogs abandoned, left locked inside Petco bathroom in Allen Park

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An animal rescue group is reaching out for help after two dogs were found abandoned and locked in a bathroom at a pet store in Allen Park. 

Twenty four hours after being dumped at the store, the pair of senior dogs - possibly a mother and daughter - is safe with P.O.E.T Animal Rescue. 

“They are very friendly but kind of scared,” said Lauren Boesen, who's with the rescue group. The dogs have been named Marigold and Daffodil, but Boesen says they don't know the dogs' real names or anything about them. 

“We don't know the circumstance of what or why they were left. Someone could have thought this was the safest place for them, we don’t really know what happened,” Boesen said. 

Boesen says Saturday evening a couple walked into Petco with the dogs on leashes but no with collars, so Petco employees offered help find some. 

“The people said they were here to get collars but the next thing they knew the people took the dogs in the bathroom and left,” she said. A little while later, employees heard crying from the bathroom and opened the door to find four sad eyes peering up.  

Sources tell FOX 2 there is surveillance video of the incident but it's unclear if the store will file a police report.

“The second I heard the story I knew I wanted to do what we can to save them,” Boesen said. 

The pair show signs of overbreeding and heartworm, and neither one has been spayed. Boesen says there's no way to tell what kind of trauma they've been through. 

“We are trying to get them used to being around people and assess them, giving them lots of treats and seeing what they like,” she said. 

They're on a stray hold right now. Since they're older dogs it's almost always tough to adopt out and Boesen wants to keep them together too. 

“I just really wish people would go the route of trying to contact rescues or shelters but unfortunately that's not always the case,” she said. 

If you want to donate to Marigold and Daffodil's care, you can get more information on that online here.