Undocumented man charged in fatal Wixom hit and run of teen | FOX 2 Detroit

Undocumented man charged in fatal Wixom hit and run of teen

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A 21-year-old undocumented man was arraigned Thursday for the fatal hit and run of Wixom teen Justin Lee.

Miguel Ibarra Cerda was in court for the death of the 14-year-old who was riding a bicycle on Potter Road Monday. 

Cerda, with the help of an interpreter, was charged with reckless driving causing death and leaving the scene of an accident causing death -- both 15-year felonies.

Police say Cerda was speeding Monday evening when he hit Lee while riding his bike. Cerda drove off leaving Lee lying in a ditch.

"The vehicle was actually in the eastbound lane traveling westbound at the time of impact," said Det. Brian Cheeseboro, Wixom police.

Police say Cerda dropped off his van at a Commerce Township mobile home park and with the help of another man, got into a truck.
The Mexico native, who prosecutors say has a sixth grade education, had been working as a server at Burrito King and staying in Commerce. Police feared he would flee the country due to Cerda being here illegally.

Cerda does have an ICE detainer, his attorney said.

In court he was given a $350,000 cash bond, his attorney said that Cerda expects to remain behind bars.

Justin's mother went on to say that she plans to honor her son's life with charities, scholarships and a memorial. CLICK HERE for the family’s GoFundMe.