Film 'Kid Brother' starring FOX 2's Alan Longstreet premieres Wednesday | FOX 2 Detroit

Film 'Kid Brother' starring FOX 2's Alan Longstreet premieres Wednesday

A new locally produced feature film starring FOX 2's Alan Longstreet premiers this Wednesday in Wayne.

"Kid Brother" tells the story of a pair of brothers reconnecting through finding their absentee father, and features local talent Longstreet, Tonya Hawkins and Peter Hérold, who all hail from the Great Lakes State and metro Detroit.

Dearborn brothers Bryce and Devin Cameron wrote, directed and produced the film.

You can catch the national premiere at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the State-Wayne Theater, 35310 W Michigan Ave. in Wayne.

Cast members and crew will be there to welcome the public and will be available for photographs at a meet-and-greet at 6 p.m. before the showing.