Fireworks safety tips

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Every year almost nine thousand people are treated for fire works related injuries. To safely celebrate this Fourth of July, plan on attending an approved fireworks show.  

If you must set-off fireworks at home, follow these simple rules:

- Always purchase fireworks from reputable sellers, and read and follow labeled directions.
- Light only one firework at a time.
- Never throw or point fireworks at other people.
- Never give fireworks to small children.
-  Always have a bucket of water handy and hose ready to extinguish anything that may have accidentally become ignited.
- Do not light fire works in glass containers.
- Dispose of fireworks properly by soaking them in water and then depositing them into a trash can.
- Always think of your pets and their sensitive ears. 

Remember fireworks are not toys, so an adult should always be present when fireworks are being used. 

Sparklers are NOT SAFE for young children even though they are sold as a safe fire work for children. 

Sparklers present a silent danger. Sparklers do not blow up and they do not have trajectory but they do get very hot. A typical sparkler can burn at temperatures up to 1,800 degrees. Such temperatures can quickly start fires and at close range can burn skin and eyes. Think about it this way glass melts at temperatures starting at 1400 degrees, so imagine what a sparkler can do to skin. This is the most prevalant fire work injury we see at CHM during the 4th of July holiday.

Fireworks now legal to sell and use in Michigan include:

     Bottle rockets
Sky rockets
Reloadable shell devices
Roman candles
Missile-type rockets
Helicopter/Aerial spinners
Single tube device with report

Who Can Buy and Use Fireworks in Michigan?

You have to be 18 or older to buy fireworks and you cannot use them while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Where Can You Buy Fireworks in Michigan?

If you are 18 years of age or older, you can buy consumer fireworks from a vendor in a permanent structure or "tent" who displays a Consumer Fireworks Safety Certificate. Note: You are legally prohibited from smoking inside or within 50 feet of a retail sales area.

Where Can You Set Off Fireworks in Michigan?

You can not use fireworks on public or school property. If you use fireworks on private property, you must do so with the permission of the property owner.

Where Can You Attend a Professional Fireworks Display in Michigan?

In addition to the annual Target Fireworks and River Days in downtown Detroit, there are a host of professional fireworks displays scheduled in the Metro-Detroit area during the summer months. 

Local Government Restrictions/Regulation

While local governments have the authority under the Michigan Fireworks Safety Act to restrict or regulate the use of fireworks within their borders, they were originally banned from enacting ordinances that affected the sale or use of consumer fireworks on the days immediately surrounding a holiday. 

A June, 2013 amendment to the Michigan Fireworks Safety Act, however, gives local governments a bit more power. They are now allowed to restrict the use of fireworks during the nighttime hours on holidays and the days immediately surrounding them. Depending on the size of the local municipality, it can restrict usage of fireworks from midnight or 1 AM to 8 AM. The Michigan Fireworks Safety Act also authorizes a local government to impose a fine of up to $500 per violation.

For more safety information visit