11th annual Menorah in the D event, freed journalist Danny Fenster was one of the honoree lamplighters

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11th Menorah in the D event, freed journalist Danny Fenster was an honoree lamplighter

Danny Fenster, the journalist freed from Myanmar prison, was one of the honorees to light the Menorah at the 11th Menorah in the D event. Held on Nov. 28th, the first day of Hanukkah, this years event was both in-person and livestreamed at Campus Martius.

On Nov. 28th, the first night of Hanukkah, the Menorah in the D celebration was held at Campus Martius. This is the 11th year being held; this year with a hybrid format of an in-person event and a livestream.

"We take strength from the Menorah, always increasing in light, as the best possible way to combat any darkness and to raise our strength around us," said Rabbi Kasriel Shemtov in a press release. "On each of the eight nights of Chanukah, we add another candle – generating more and more light. Like a flaming candle, all you need to do is touch another person with an act of kindness and sincerity and their flame will be ignited as well. One candle at a time, one soul at a time, the world becomes a brighter, warmer place."

Danny Fenster, the journalist that was released from jail in Myanmar, was honored at the event. 

"I can’t imagine a better community to come home to and that just made an already great joyful celebration even more joyful," said Fenster.

The Menorah will remain up in Campus Martius until January 3rd.