16-year-old accused of murdering Detroit teen over iPhone ordered to undergo competency evaluation

Murder suspect Ryan McLeod 

A 16-year-old Detroit boy accused of murdering another teen over an iPhone was ordered Monday to undergo a competency evaluation.

Ryan Mcleod, 16, is charged as an adult in connection with the July 26 murder of 14-year-old Joe Nankervis. 

Shooting victim Joe Nankervis

McLeod was arraigned on charges of one count of first-degree premeditated murder (juvenile defendant), one count of felonious assault, and two counts of felony firearm, and remanded to a youth home earlier this month.

According to Detroit Police Commander Michael McGinnis, there was an argument over a cell phone that may have been stolen, which led to the shooting of Nankervis near Homer and Mullane streets. It is unclear if the phone was actually stolen or who stole it.