7th grader who stopped school bus awarded keys to Warren

A Warren middle school student who jumped in to save a bus full of students after the driver went unconscious was honored Thursday.

Dillon Reeves was given the keys to the city as a thanks for what he did.

Reeves, a seventh grader at Carter Middle School, said he saw the driver shaking and lose consciousness in the mirror, so he got up and safely stopped the bus, which had 60 people on it.

"Here is the key to the city. I have never presented anybody with a real key to the city," Mayor Jim Fouts said.

Reeves also received other honors, including a limo ride to lunch with his family, a shirt that says he is a hero, and more.

The bus driver is listed as stable. However, due to rules, she will not be able to work for six months. A GoFundMe page has been created to help with her recovery. Find it here.

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