90+ pounds of fentanyl seized • Pregnant woman, 2 others shot • Surrogacy contract ban repealed

Eastpointe police are looking for a suspect after a shooting left three people hurt Monday night.

A vehicle pulled alongside another vehicle in the area of Kelly and Stephens roads around 9 p.m., and someone started shooting.

Police said the shooting injured a pregnant woman, another woman, and a man. Both women are listed as stable, while the man is in critical condition.

Though the shooting happened on Kelly, police also focused on the area of Dijon and Beaconsfield avenues, where officers were placing more evidence markers.


Pregnant woman among 3 shot in Eastpointe

Three people were shot Monday night in Eastpointe, including a pregnant woman.

90+ pounds of fentanyl seized from gas station owner

Last September, Livonia police learned that Barry Willis, who a tipster referred to as "Blue," allegedly sold heroin. The person who gave police that information said Willis owned a gas station with a car wash on Livernois in Detroit.

Authorities were able to locate the gas station near W. Grand and identify Willis. The tipster confirmed to police that Willis was the person they had purchased heroin from on multiple occasions.

After several controlled drug purchases and surveillance of Willis, investigators searched his home on Dorchester Court in Clinton Township last week. During that search, authorities allegedly found more than $130,000 in cash, watches, a gold chain, and a handgun.

That same day, investigators searched a home they believed to be Willis's stash house on Littlefield in Detroit. During that search, they found more than 90 pounds of fentanyl - enough to kill more than 20 million people, more than 6 pounds of cocaine, a pill press, drug packaging materials, scales, a handgun, and $18,000 in cash.


90+ pounds of fentanyl seized from Detroit gas station owner, investigators say

A tip that a Detroit gas station owner was selling heroin led police to more than 90 pounds of fentanyl, along with cocaine and large amounts of cash.

Michigan congressman says Gaza ‘should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima’

A comment made by Congressman Tim Walberg has now gone viral after he made a comment that suggested the use of a nuclear bomb in Gaza.

"We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid," he said. "It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick."

He went onto say the same tactic should be used to defeat Putin and help Ukraine win their war.

"Genocide is not a joke, and his comments sounded genocidal," said Dawud Walid, with the Council on American-Islamic Relations Michigan.

Walberg said in a statement that his comments are being taken out of context. He then condemned the use of nuclear weapons.

"I used a metaphor to convey the need for both Israel and Ukraine to win their wars as swiftly as possible, without putting American troops in harm's way," he said. "My reasoning was the exact opposite of what is being reported: The quicker these wars end, the fewer innocent lives will be caught in the crossfire," the statement read.


Michigan congressman on Gaza aid: 'It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick'

"Genocide is not a joke, and his comments sounded genocidal," said Dawud Walid, CAIR Michigan.

Michigan surrogacy contract ban repealed

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed a package of bills Monday that included a repeal of a ban on surrogacy contracts.

In passing the nine-bill package, Whitmer pitched the state as a haven for reproductive rights while slamming conservative lawmakers for voting against the bills.

"Either you support families or you don't, and it's pretty clear there's a divided line here where Democrats are making it easier to decide when and whether to start a family and how they start a family," she said after signing the Michigan Family Protection Act. "Republicans say no to all of that, and it's incredibly cruel and anti-family. It's surprising."

The bills passed along mostly party lines with two Republican senators - Sen. Jon Bumstead and Mark Huizenga - siding with Democrats.


Whitmer repeals Michigan law that made it only U.S. state to ban surrogacy contracts

"Either you support families or you don't," the Michigan governor said Monday. She signed a package of bills that repealed the country's strictest laws regulating surrogacy contracts.

Father alarmed over runaway twin daughters missing for 3 weeks

It's been three weeks since George Ogden last saw his twin 14-year-old daughters before they ran away.

Both Anieca and Aniya Ogden are about five feet tall and were last seen on March 8 at their dad's house. Since they left, the search for them has made little progress. All the while, their dad has grown increasingly worried about their safety.

"If they're not home, they're not safe," he said. "In the world that we're living in today, it's very unsafe. It's dangerous and they're 14 years old and these kids, they don't understand dangers that are out here lurking for them."

It's not the first time the two had run away. They had visited their grandmother in River Rouge once before when they fled. Ogden was able to get them back home - but they took off again.

They had been home for only a day when he said he took them to school. They left the same night.

"I never would have pegged them to just leave like that," he said. "As a father that's trying to raise kids on his own, it's heartbreaking."


Detroit father alarmed over runaway twin daughters missing for three weeks

George Ogden pleaded with his girls to come home, telling FOX 2 they should "be teenagers as long as you can be. The world we're living in is too unsafe to be trying to grow up too fast."

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Rain will fall on and off today, with thunderstorm chances later.

What else we're watching

  1. The city of Dearborn is weighing what to do about a rise in coyote sightings, including potential traps.
  2. The Force Detroit community group is credited for a drop in crime in the Cody Rouge neighborhood.
  3. A Livonia man walked out of a room where votes that were cast during local elections in Oakland County were being recounted and stated "Hang Joe for treason."
  4. Get some doggy cuddles and help relieve a shelter dog's stress through Michigan Humane's Canine Sleepover Program.
  5. Opening Day is almost here! Start planning how you'll celebrate with our guide.

7 World Central Kitchen workers killed in Israeli airstrike

World Central Kitchen, the food charity founded by celebrity chef José Andrés, has suspended operations in the Gaza region after an Israeli airstrike killed seven members of their team on Monday.

The workers were killed hours after the group brought in a new shipload of food by a maritime route the United States has hoped would be an alternative lifeline for northern Gaza that has been isolated and pushed to the brink of famine by Israel’s offensive.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has acknowledged that Israeli forces carried out the strike that killed seven aid workers in Gaza. In a statement on Tuesday, he said: "Unfortunately over the last day there was a tragic incident of an unintended strike of our forces on innocent people in the Gaza Strip." He says officials are "checking this thoroughly" and "will do everything for this not to happen again."


7 World Central Kitchen workers killed in Israeli airstrike; food charity halts operations in Gaza

World Central Kitchen, the food charity founded by celebrity chef José Andrés, has suspended operations in the Gaza region after an Israeli airstrike killed seven members of their team on Monday.