'A truly special bear': Detroit Zoo grizzly bear dies after months of health issues

(Photo: Detroit Zoo)

After months of suffering from health issues, the Detroit Zoo made the difficult decision to euthanize a beloved grizzly bear on Wednesday.

Mike, 13, and his brothers Boo and Thor were rescued when they were orphaned in the Alaskan wild. The trio later moved to the Detroit Zoo.

According to the zoo, Mike started experiencing health issues earlier this year. He first showed signs of discomfort and started having a lower appetite. After a while, he was unable to get up when lying down.

(Photo: Detroit Zoo)

Zookeepers began intensive care for Mike, which included working with outside veterinary neurologists as they began implementing treatments. However, he did not improve and continued to decline.

"Mike was a truly special bear," the zoo wrote in a post announcing his death. "Mike was loved by all who knew him, and he will be dearly missed. This is an incredibly difficult time for his longtime caretakers, who are devastated by his loss."

(Photo: Detroit Zoo)

He was a reserved animal who loved playtime and snacking on yogurt and peanut butter crackers. Zookeepers will be monitoring Boo and Thor to ensure their well-being. 

Now that Mike has passed, a veterinary team is working to understand the underlying causes behind his condition, and a necropsy will be performed on his body. 

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