Abandoned by Brandon: Concrete customers say they're left in the dust | FOX 2 Detroit

Abandoned by Brandon: Concrete customers say they're left in the dust

A contractor is facing multiple accusations from dissatisfied customers, alleging that he abandoned construction projects without completing them.

Customers such as Rita and Dave Negro claim they received nothing but excuses and incomplete work after paying Brandon Bialzcyk of B & B Concrete and Construction in Romulus, ultimately leading them, and others, to take legal action against him.

"We gave him the money, and he just disappeared," said Dave Negro.

FOX 2's Rob Wolchek discovered that Brandon is not licensed in Michigan or Ohio, as he's claimed – prompting more customers to come forward with similar grievances about shoddy work and a lack of accountability. 

Even when confronted by Wolchek, Brandon displayed a lack of awareness or responsibility towards the accusations and unfinished work, although he did promise to address the claims. 

Brandon is the newest addition to the "Hall of Shame." Read the full story below:

Rob Wolchek: "Are you scamming people? Is that what you do?"

Brandon: "Absolutley not."

Several people say they've been abandoned by Brandon.

"He never came back to do anything," said Brittney.

Brandon is a concrete and masonry man. But some of his customers thinks he's a masonry moron.

"They ended up pulling their trucks into that lot next to us," said Vito Bruno. "And got the first concrete truck stuck in there, and then they had to bring another concrete truck to pull him out."

Wolchek: "He thinks you're a knucklehead."

Bruno: "That's the dumbest thing I ever heard."

Speaking of dumb, Brandon seems good at playing it.

Wolchek: "Rita and David Negro. They have a judgment against you for $1,572."

Brandon: "15 what?"

Wolchek: "One thousand, five hundred seventy-two dollars."

Brandon: "I don't even know what that is."

Brittney says Brandon Bialzcyk of a company called B & B left her Dearborn Heights yard a mess with smashed up decking and wood.

"He had ridiculous, rediculous, extreme excuses," she said.

After tearing out the deck, Brandon was supposed to return and build a patio. She says she called and texted him a ton - and on the few occasions he did respond - and he had those extreme excuses.

"The cell tower by my house got taken out by the storm," Brandon said in one text.

And the excuses don't stop there:

"'My truck took a sh--, it's in the shop getting fixed."

"'My sister got hurt and I had to fly to Florida.'"

But the excuse that really raised Brittney's suspicion was this one:

"'My son broke his (arm) running out to the bus this morning and slipped on some ice.'"

"I did a reverse image search because I said 'that does not look like a picture he took,' and it was the very first photo that pops up on Google images was a picture of an arm in a blue cast," she said.

The image that showed up online was the exact same broken arm with a blue cast that Brandon sent.

Brittney and her husband sued and won a default judgment for $5,923.

Brandon's never paid them a dime. And the same thing happened to Dave.

Wolchek: "So you got a judgment and he's never made an attempt to pay you?"

Dave: "No, sir."

Wolchek: "Nothing at all?"

Dave: "No contact."

Dave was "abandoned by Brandon" after hiring him to put in a patio at his house in Shelby Township.

Wolchek: "Did he do anything?"

Dave: "A little bit of prep work, getting a little stuff done, just enough to get the money."

Wolchek: "And how much money did you give him?"

Dave: "About $3,000."

Like Brittney, Dave had to get others to complete the work - and wants Brandon to be exposed as a concrete cretin.

Dave: "I love your Hall of Shame, brother."

Wolchek: "Well I'm going to go get him."

The ladies that own this house in Toledo, Ohio have a judgment against Brandon Bialzyck as well.

Brandon gave them this card saying he's licensed and insured. Wolchek checked.  He's not licensed in Ohio and he's not even licensed in Michigan.

They paid him over $15,000.  They say this part of the patio slopes towards the house and pools with water when it rains.

And, check out these plastic drain pipes brandon covered in concrete. The pipes collapesed under the weight and are now completely blocked.  

After that debacle, they say Brandon took off with money they gave him to replace a window and "aBrandoned" them.  

Vito hired Brandon's B & B Concrete and construction to build a patio at his house in Willis.

"He would come out, and spend an hour, put the forms down and then take off," Vito said./

Finally the big day arrived.

"When they did come to pour the concrete, it was two guys," Vito said. "They brought no shovels, no wheelbarrow, no machines. As a matter of fact, he had asked me if he could borrow my wheelbarrow and if I had any shovels that they could borrow."

It gets worse. Vito says two cement trucks got stuck in the mud in a vacant lot next to his house.  

The cement was ruined and they never even poured the patio. Vito reversed charges on the credit card payments he'd given Brandon.

But he still had to pay - pay his neighbor to fix the giant ruts caused by the cement mixers that tore up the property.

Vito's got a message for Brandon.

"I hope you get busted," he said.

And he's going to - right now.

Wolchek: "Brandon. How are you? It's Rob Wolchek from FOX 2. I've been looking for you for a long time."

Brandion: "For what reason?"

Bialzyck is going to play the daft baddie, but let me tell you, this guy is hard to get. He has a bunch of different addresses. His website looks good, if you can find it.

The site is www.bbconcreteandconsteuction.com -- a typo or just a way to make the site less visible? It doesn't show up in a Google search, but it showed up when he posted a link to it on facebook -- where most of his customers found him or if you scanned his business card.

Brandon's hard to find - even when Wolchek's undercover camera person set  up an appointment for a free estimate, Brandon was a no-show twice.

But I guess the third time's a charm.

Wolchek: "You started a bunch of jobs for people and you disappeared on them."

Brandon: "That's not true."

Wolchek: "Sure it is."

Brandon: "No it's not."

Wolchek shows Brandon a photo of the mess Brittney says he left at her house.

Wolchek: "They said you tore down their deck and disappeared and never came back."

Brandon: "I did take down the deck and I cleaned all that mess up as well."

Wolchek: "They have a judgment against you for $5,800."

Brandon: "Okay."

Wolchek: "Are you ever going to pay that?"

Brandon: "I wasn't even aware of it."

Wolchek: "Well, how come you're not aware of it?"

Brandon: "You tell me. I don't know."

Next, Wolchek  mentions the job in Toledo.

Wolchek: "Bad news for you. She's got a judgment against you for $3,034 dollars. Right there in Toledo."

Brandon: "Okay."

Wolchek: "Did you not know about that one either?"

Brandon: "No I did not."

Wolchek: "Next we got a guy named David Negro.  You remember him?"

Brandon: "No I do not."

Wolchek: "Well he's got a judgment against you too."

Man, this guy's got a bad memory.

Wolchek: "All of these people have been trying to find you. That's the whole deal. Nobody can find you."

Brandon: "Okay? I'm not sure why,"

Then his phone rings. Brandon looks at it and doesn't answer it.

Wolchek: "Maybe because you don't answer your phone? Are you going to pay any of these people back?"

Brandon: "Now that I know about it. You turn that damn camera off, let me take a picture of who I owe, and I'll figure it out.,"

Wolchek: "We're not going to turn the camera off but you can take a picture, here you go."

Rob lets Brandon take photos of his victim's complaints, and he promises that he's going to have a 100 satisfied customers call him. Wolchek is still waiting.  

Wolchek: "You're not a thief, right?"

Brandon: "Not at all."

He's thick as a brick. Brandon Bialzyck, you're in the Hhhhhalll of Shame.

Hall of ShameCrime and Public SafetyMetro DetroitInstastories