After a heart attack, a plant-based diet helped him shed 90 pounds and most of his medications | FOX 2 Detroit

After a heart attack, a plant-based diet helped him shed 90 pounds and most of his medications

The list of medications that Oliver Bosnjakovski was taking for his various conditions was staggering.

He had something for diabetes, three-to-four high blood pressure medicines, depression, anxiety, Statin for cholesterol.

"(That was) pretty much the cocktail of the day," he said.

The meds he was taking went toward the "several lifestyle diseases" he said he was diagnosed with in 2012 - ranging from obesity to high blood pressure. To go along with his laundry list of medications was the cardiac arrest he suffered due to four blockages in his heart. Bosnjakovski estimates he weighed over 300 pounds.

Then someone close to him died from leukemia in January of 2015. He had no choice, Bosnjakovski said. "I was given a chance early on. So I made the decision to be the best person I could be."

Along with that decision was a serendipitous segment that aired on FOX 2 regarding the wonders of a plant-based diet.

"When I converted to a whole foods plant-based lifestyle, that's when I noticed all of my blood work getting better," said Mark Ramirez on TV in 2015. Ramirez began a group with his wife called Chickpea and Bean, a support group for those looking for a dietary lifestyle change.

"I just couldn't believe the results he had gotten from going plant-based," Bosnjakovski said. "You know, reversing diabetes, which has done so much damage to my body, I was - I had hope and so I tried the next day."

And try he did. But it wasn't a quick fix. It took months of trial and error. But a solution began to emerge.

"It took me a couple of months to practice the different kinds of food that I liked," Bosnjakovski said. "By the time I actually switched over fully, it was very very very easy."

Bosnjakovski lost 90 pounds. The amalgamation of pills he took reduced. Now he wears a giant smile on his face.

"I made the decision that if I had the chance, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get healthy and be the best person I can be."

If you'd like to learn more about the support group that Bosnjakovski used, you can find it at: