Ambassador Bridge owner reaches agreement with neighborhood association, city to expand bridge plaza

Under an agreement between the Ambassador Bridge, the City of Detroit, and the Hubbard Richard Residents Association (HRRA), the bridge plaza will expand.

The Bridge Company will donate several proprieties it owns to the Hubbard Richard neighborhood, along with money to help redevelop these properties.

"The Ambassador Bridge’s commitment to restrict further property acquisition in our neighborhood is real progress toward repairing long-standing disputes between Hubbard Richard and the Ambassador Bridge," said Sam Butler, the president of the Hubbard Richard Resident Association.

"We hope this is the beginning of continued cooperation with the Ambassador Bridge to sustain our thriving residential neighborhood. With the City’s support, we are excited to work with partners to transform currently vacant land into affordable housing, green space, and other valuable assets for the neighborhood."

Here's what the agreement includes:

The Bridge Company will:

  • Donate 10 properties it owns in and around Hubbard Richard to the neighborhood along with $20,000 per property to assist in redevelopment.
  • Contribute property to the City with the intent that it be incorporated into the City’s Roberto Clemente Recreation Center.
  • Demolish the former "Greyhound Building" located at 2300 W. Fort Street, split the property into two parcels, and donate the larger parcel to the neighborhood for non-industrial redevelopment.
  • Construct a berm along 16th Street that buffers the neighborhood from industrial uses to the east.
  • Build a new 16th Street between West Lafayette and W. Fort Street to improve ingress and egress to the neighborhood.
  • The Ambassador Bridge has additionally agreed to restrictions on further property acquisitions in the neighborhood.

The HRRA agreed

  • To the expansion of the Ambassador Bridge Plaza within agreed upon areas.
  • To design standards including aesthetics, buffering, lighting, and relocation of utilities and sidewalks.

"This is a major turning point for the Hubbard-Richard community and the Bridge Company," said Mayor Mike Duggan. "Their willingness to work together resulted in an agreement to build a badly needed plaza expansion in a way that respects the residential character of the community and provides it some real benefits."

The City and the Ambassador Bridge will cooperate on the plaza expansion and the work associated with buffering and the public right of way, according to a press release detailing the plans. This work includes a $443,000 donation by the Ambassador Bridge for lighting and landscaping improvements.

"This agreement is the result of a lot of hard work, will provide a win-win-win for the HRRA, City and our company, and demonstrates our commitment to improving important relationships. We look forward to working together to implement the agreement," said Matthew Moroun, the chairman of the Ambassador Bridge,

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