Ann Arbor boy says bully beat and bloodied him on school bus

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An Ann Arbor middle school student was left bloodied on a school bus and the person responsible? Another student who bullied him and even used a belt in the attack.

Jerrick Oliver, Jr., told FOX 2 that he was riding the bus from Ann Aror's Slauson Middle School when an 8th grader began bullying him.

"He was like pulling my hair really hard and wouldn't stop," Oliver said.

He brushed off the encounter and rode the bus the next day. That's when he said the same boy attacked again, for no reason.

"He was hitting me with and when I fought back he jumped over the seat pounding on me," he said. "And I got a bruise right here in my head and my lip is swollen."

He also said the older boy hit him with a belt that he wrapped around his fist like a "brass knuckle". He told FOX 2 that the thing running through is mind was this: "What did I do to deserve this?"

The bus driver pulled over as Jerrick was dizzy and bleeding. He was taken to U of M hospital for treatment while his father, also named Jerrick Oliver, said he felt angry and helpless.

"It makes me feel terrible having to look at those pictures of my son with blood on his face and blood on his head.  It's very disturbing," his father said

Jerrick is back home, but not at school. His family emailed his teachers to say he had to miss class due to his injuries.

"My son is a good student and he's not able to attend school right now because he's bruised up. He doesn't feel good. He's mentally and physically damaged," Oliver, Sr, said.

His parents plan to press criminal charges and say that the boy is afraid to get back on the bus.

School officials would not comment on what discplinary action was taken or will be taken but say it's a very serious matter and are cooperating with law enforcement.

The mother of the 8th grade student told FOX 2 that the kids were playing and that her son was hit with keys, so he fought back. After she learned what happened, she said she is deeply sorry about the siutation

Jerrick's father still has a message and says he won't give up on this:

"I'm gonna keep on doing whatever I can to let Ann Arbor public schools know and everybody across Michigan know that bullying is not OK. it's not OK," he said.