Are doomsday believers grooming teens at local business? | FOX 2 Detroit

Are doomsday believers grooming teens at local business?

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Dr. Tina Marshall, left, Craig Stasio.

It is another night at this laser tag business in Clinton Township.

Teenagers and young adults file in for an evening of fun, parents drop off their kids. While this business has been an attraction for young people for decades, recently, there's been a big change.

"You have a bunch of these workers following kids and teens around asking them weird questions,” said Steve, a customer.

There's a new staff with faces that might be familiar to those of you who watched Rob Wolchek’s stories last year on a controversial Christian group.

A fellowship led by Craig Stasio, a man accused of turning children against their own parents, against their own families.

And the new owner of this business is one of his devoted followers.  A person who is already being sued for pushing her radical religious beliefs on others at another business she owns. 

Her name is Dr. Tina Marshall.

Wolchek: "It said in the lawsuit you were trying to plant the seeds at the office with some of the employees and some of the customers. Are you trying to do that at this (laser tag) business?"

Tina Marshall: "No comment."

Steve's been going to the laser tag business for 10 years.  Recently, he brought his 14-year-old nephew for an overnight lock-in. An all-ages party that lasted until 6 a.m.

"It was really weird," said Steve. "They were playing Christian music - and it wasn't Christian rock it was 'hallelujah praise Jesus' music."

He also noticed an abundance of staff.

"They all act the same way," he said. "They all have a goofy grin on their face and they are very … almost like they're drugged."

Steve recognized the man leading the way, Craig Stasio.

Rob Wolchek introduced viewers to Craig Stasio last year. After meeting with some of his followers' heartbroken parents.

The children told their parents they'd experienced a spiritual awakening at Stasio's hands. 

Many of the young adults dropped out of college to move into communal housing and started giving
cheap massages at Agape Chiropractic, a business run by Stasio.

Their kids now lived together, worked together, played together and prayed together - and cut ties with old friends and family.

The giddy members of the group wouldn't speak to Wolchek.

And when one of them did briefly, he was quickly controlled by another member.

Wolchek: "Do you feel that you are a cult?"

John: "No."

Wolchek: "You don't?"

John: "No"

Wolchek: "But you don't really belong to any other churches?"

John: "Not at the moment, no."

Wolchek: "So Craig is your leader?"

John: "I don't want to get specific ... he's ..."

At that point a door opened and someone off-camera summoned John away from talking to Wolchek.

The group's leader surrounds himself with young attractive women, which is interesting because Stasio was punished by the state board for admitting to having a sexual encounter with one of his massage therapists in his office which ended with Stasio ejaculating on the floor.

Wolchek: "Do you consider yourself a mentor to these young people?"

Stasio: "Talk to my lawyer."

A week after my first story, Agape Chiropractic was closed down although only temporarily.

Wolchek received hundreds of emails and messages from viewers and while the vast majority of them were concerned about the young people. There was one very strong supporter - a follower of Stasio's named Jim Marshall.

Jim Marshall defended the group on Let It Rip.

"When Jesus said 'Peter come follow me' In the bible it said he left his father behind on a boat," Marshall said on the program.

"But that was Jesus not Craig Stasio," said Huel Perkins.

Jim Marshall was the first in his family to drink the Kool-Aid. The next would be his wife, Dr. Tina Marshall.

"I just loved Dr. Marshall," said JJ.  "I loved working with her, I admired her.  And at this point I'm just boggled."

JJ worked as a dental assistant in Tina Marshall's office.  She says once Marshall changed after meeting Craig Stasio two years ago.

“It just breaks my heart,” she said.

"We had to have the Christian music on in the rooms," Kim said.

Kim worked in the dental office for 32 years, starting with another dentist and continuing when Tina Marshall took over in 2008.

Nancy worked there for 23 years.  She confronted Dr. Marshall about the Christian agenda.

"I don't think this is appropriate at a dental office that we should have just this kind of music and her comment is 'We have to plant the seeds, we have to convert them,'" Nancy said.

And there's more.

"Her thing with the music, you have to have it on 24-7," Nancy said. "Even on the weekends when there's no one there because you have to keep the demons out."

And soon the man who they say put these ideas in Dr. Marshall's head, started showing up at the office -  Craig Stasio.

"He had his whole entourage with him," JJ said.

Wolchek: "Do you believe it's a cult?"

"Oh yeah," Nancy said. "When he would come in and get worked on some of these young girls would be there. They would kneel on the floor and come in and rub his arms and rub his leg, while he was having a filling done or something.”

The staff says Dr. Marshall became a shell of herself and even put Stasio in charge of the business. 

Craig Stasio, a man with two bankruptcies in the past 10 years, a man who is known to gamble, began cleaning house.

Some of the staff was fired.  Some quit.  Four decided to sue for claiming they were subjected to religious discrimination in violation of the Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act - as well as age discrimination and retaliation and conspiracy.

The lawsuit claims Tina Marshall conducted daily morning prayers which were "mandatory."

And Dr. Marshall and Craig Stasio replaced each of the plaintiffs that were terminated with younger, inexperienced members of the ministry.

Sure enough, these were Stasio's followers heading into Dr. Marshall's dental office.

Also this summer, Dr. Marshall and her husband Jim moved out of their large Washington Township home and moved closer to the communal houses used by Stasio's young followers.

And now they've purchased Laser Edge business, renaming it Laser Tag of Clinton Township.

One afternoon, Wolchek find both the Marshalls and Stasio’s inside.

Wolchek: "Is this your new place Craig?

"No comment," Stasio said.

Wolchek: "Are you guys trying to recruit people here for the group,"

Stasio: "What group?"

Wolchek: "Your group, your ministry."

"We have Christians who work here and we have non-Christians who work here," Stasio said.

"So who are the non-Christians," Wolchek said.  "I thought you guys got rid of the staff here."

Stasio: "No."

Dr. Tina Marshall can only be described as being very meek.

"No thank you," she said.

Wolchek: "What's going on with the lawsuit?"

Tina Marshall: "I'm just gonna...."

Wolchek: "Well did you fire those people?"

Tina Marshall: "No comment."

Wolchek: "But you own this place now, right."

Tina Marshall: "Yes."

"Some of the people that I talked to said you got rid of them because you wouldn't play the Christian music," Wolchek said. "Is that true?"

Tina Marshall: "I've just been playing it at the office."

Wolchek: "Pardon me?"

Tina Marshall: "I have been playing it at the office.  That's what I wanted."

Wolchek: "That's what you wanted?  Did you fire those people?"

Tina Marshall: "You know what; we'll just let this ... no comment right now."

And Stasio has no interest in speaking with Wolchek.

"You know I've talked to the parents," Wolchek said. "And the parents don't like you and they think you have taken their kids away from them.  Are you doing that?  You saw the first two stories what did you think about them?  You're not going to say anything?"

Stasio: "No."

According to the court records, Dr. Tina Marshall and Craig Stasio have denied all the charges in the lawsuit.

WATCH: Wolchek asks tough questions of Craig Stasio below.