As inflation impacts food prices, the need by nonprofits for donations grows

They’re trusted resources for people in need. But as more and more people turn to food pantries for help.. these trusted resources are now asking for assistance.

"In the last three months we’ve seen about 500 extra families come through to all of our locations," said Angela Gill, food programs manager Lighthouse.

Families across SE Michigan facing economic hardship, are turning to food pantries to get by.

"My husband works in construction and sometimes it’s not like a 9-to-5 job, sometimes he has work, and sometimes it’s lesser," said Ana Rubio.

Other members of the community are also feeling the pain of lost work and lost wages.

"We don’t necessarily know if they’re auto workers or anybody involved with a strike, but our families are in great need at this time," said Gill.

But nonprofits like Lighthouse in Pontiac that provide food to community members are also feeling the pinch of a stressed economy.

"The rise in food cost is also really hard for us," Gill said. "We're not able to get the amount of food that we’ve had in the past.

"We’re really relying on the community at this time especially with the holidays quickly approaching."

As these families pick up much needed food others are dropping off supplies in an effort to help.

"For us it’s just putting our faith in action," said Pastor Tom Kaye, New Life Presbyterian Church.

Pastor Tom Kaye’s congregation came together to offer a donation of cereal to several food pantries including Lighthouse.

"One box of cereal, one can of corn, is going to make a difference for somebody," he said.

Food panties across Metro Detroit are calling on the community to help them support those in need.

"We need food donations, we need monetary donations," Gill said. "Monetary donations go a lot further with us, because we are able to purchase food at a discounted rate."

Rubio said the donations mean everything to families struggling.

"The stress in families it helps alleviate all that," she said. "We’re able to do other stuff by the Lighthouse supplementing our food needs."

These families say your generosity also inspires them to share - whatever they may have with others.

"I’ll bring a bag of clothes that doesn’t fit my daughters anymore," she said. "It makes me feel good to also give back."

For more information, go to the Lighthouse website HERE.