Attorney in Mateen Cleaves rape case tries to get Wayne Co prosecutors disqualified | FOX 2 Detroit

Attorney in Mateen Cleaves rape case tries to get Wayne Co prosecutors disqualified

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Former Michigan State University star Mateen Cleaves was back in court Tuesday.

Cleaves is charged with sexually assaulting a woman in Genesee County last year. His defense attorney filed a motion requesting that the Wayne County Prosecutor should be removed from the case, sparking a heated exchange.

"The most important thing here is fundamental fairness for Mateen Cleaves," said his attorney Frank Manley.

"I am not ready to hear this argument, Mr. Manley," said Judge M. Cathy Dowd. "No, my courtroom."

Cleaves is charged with unlawful imprisonment and criminal sexual conduct for sexually assaulting a 24-year-old woman last September after a charity golf outing.

Cleaves' case is being held in Genesee County, but with Wayne County prosecutors after Genesee County's prosecutor stated a conflict of interest with a potential witness.

Cleaves' attorney filed a motion Monday afternoon.

"Have you served a copy of this motion to the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office and if so, when," the judge asked.

"Let me go back here," Manley said.

"Answer my questions first," Dowd said.

In the motion Frank Manley claims the victim has worked for the Wayne County Sexual Abuse Taskforce without the defense knowing.

Manley also accuses the Wayne County Prosecutors Office of condemning Cleaves' character in an "all-out media blitz," including, he said, spreading rumors that there is a second victim.

Wayne County Assistant Prosecutor Lisa Lindsay said on Tuesday she was blindsided.

"He had the opportunity to email me this motion last night, he did not do so," Lindsey said. "The only inference I can draw from that, is because he wanted to ambush me this morning and make a big grandstand in front of the press."

"Stop, stop," Dowd said.

The preliminary exam was delayed as in between jabs, Judge Dowd decided to give prosecutors time to prepare.

The preliminary exam rescheduled to July 29.