Beaumont Wayne to reopen soon for COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients | FOX 2 Detroit

Beaumont Wayne to reopen soon for COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients

Beaumont Hospital, Wayne plans to reopen soon to serve both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients after receiving required regulatory approvals. 

The campus will reopen in phases as the health system brings staff back, according to a press release. But there is no defined explanation yet of the timetable in which it will reopen. Nothing further was shared in the release aside from the term, "soon."

“Beaumont Health has cared for more COVID-19 patients than any other health system in the state. We’ve proudly responded to the community's needs during this pandemic and reconfigured our hospitals and redeployed staff to provide high quality and safe care," Beaumont Health Chief Operating Officer Carolyn Wilson said. "With the number of COVID-19 patients seeking care at Beaumont decreasing a bit recently, it is now appropriate to begin re-opening the Wayne campus in phases as we carefully prepare for another potential COVID-19 surge."

Phase I includes reopening:

  • The Emergency Center
  • Obstetrical services that were offered pre-COVID-19
  • Observation/ Inpatient medical surgical beds and support services (pharmacy, laboratory, food services and environmental services)

In addition, some outpatient surgical and diagnostic services, including the infusion center, will be offered, in compliance with Executive Orders, to meet the time sensitive needs of patients.

Phase II will add more inpatient and critical care capacity as Beaumont carefully reconfigures critical staffing and resource needs across the organization as COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 volumes change.

Many factors that could affect health care are beyond Beaumont’s control, such as government orders and the public’s willingness to observe social distancing protocols. Therefore, all plans are subject to change, the release said.

As additional services come online and are approved by regulators, Beaumont will notify the community.