Bedridden mom dies in Sterling Heights house fire, ceiling falls on firefighter

A daughter desperately tried to save her bedridden mother from a terrible house fire, Saturday night, but sadly fire officials confirm the elderly woman passed away.

The victim’s daughter and a firefighter who was trying to help save the elderly woman were also hospitalized with injuries.

Fire officials confirm the incident happened in the 2400 block of Haff Drive in Sterling Heights just before 10pm, Saturday night.

According to a neighbor, Fred Jabboori, the daughter knocked on his door around 9:45 p.m., looking for help."She was explaining to us that her mother is trapped inside of her home… which had apparently caught fire," Jabboori told Fox 2.

Jabboori’s wife called 911 and he went next door to see if he could assist. "From the driveway, I could see that the now boarded up the room where her mother would normally sleep… was completely engulfed in flames," Jabboori said.

Jabboori was unable to enter the home, because of the intensity of the fire.

Sterling Heights Deputy Fire Chief Miller tells Fox 2’s Hilary Golston a firefighter was injured trying to save the trapped woman but was hurt in the process. Miller says a portion of the ceiling fell down on the fireman, leaving him with minor burns.

The firefighter was treated at the hospital and released.Jabboori describes the family as quiet, kind, religious people.

The family now having to deal with the tragedy."She will be greatly missed," Jabboori said. We’re told the daughter is still in the hospital.

The Sterling Heights Fire Department is still working on a cause of the blaze. They’re asking anyone with information about what happened, to reach out with what they know.