Bill raising Michigan hunting and fishing licenses prices clears committee

Legislation that would raise hunting and fishing license fees in Michigan cleared a house committee on Thursday amid a flurry of lawmaking in Lansing as the end of the year nears.

The cost for state-issued licenses for all forms of hunting and fishing would increase, including deer, bear, elk, and waterfowl, under HB 6229.

Passing along a party-line vote in the Committee of Natural Resources, Environment, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation, it was pitched as a much-needed revision for the Department Natural Resources to continue funding upkeep of Michigan's natural resources.

It's the first proposed increase in license fees since 2014, officials with the DNR said, which would help the agency keep up with inflation as costs for stocking fish, maintaining habitat, and other environmental resources grow. 

It cleared committee despite objections from Republicans, including Rep. Timmy Beson of Bay County, who argued raising the costs would price people out of the hobby.

"You don't raise prices on things and expect more of these deer to get harvested," he said.

While the number of registered hunters in Michigan has been on a decades-long decline, a policy advisory with the DNR said raises in license fees don't correlate with a drop in participation in hunting.

"Let's come together, knowing every dollar spent on conservation is an investment in the Michigan we know and love," said Taylor Ridderbusch. 


Michigan hunting and fishing would cost more under new proposal

Michigan Democrats also proposed altering the recreational passport by automatically opting in residents registering their vehicles. The proposals come amid funding needs for maintaining the state's parks and game populations.

According to the DNR, it estimates it would see an annual revenue increase of $22 million.

Rather than the fees being set in stone, the bill would order that the cost of getting a fishing or hunting license would adjust annually for inflation.

How much hunting fees would increase:

Small game hunting:

  • For a resident adult, from $10 to $15
  • For a resident minor, from $5 to $8
  • For a nonresident, from $150 to $163

Combination licenses:

  • Residents wishing to get a combined hunting and fishing license would pay $113. It's currently $75
  • For out-of-state residents, fees climb from $265 to $273

Hunting license by game:

  • Wild Turkey - from $15 to $23
  • Waterfowl - from $12 to $18
  • Pheasant - from $25 to $38
  • Deer - from $20 to $30
  • Bear - from $25 to $38
  • Elk - from $100 to $150

How much fishing fees would increase

All-species fishing license

The bill would raise the license to fish from $25 to $38 for residents and from $78 to $88 for nonresidents.

It also lower the age requirements for acquiring a fishing license from 17 to 16 years old. 

Hunting and FishingAround MichiganPoliticsMichigan State House