Boasting largest vintage of automobiles, Gilmore Car Museum planning muscle car addition | FOX 2 Detroit

Boasting largest vintage of automobiles, Gilmore Car Museum planning muscle car addition

A Michigan museum that boasts the largest vintage automobile collection in North America plans to open a new building to display muscle cars.

The Battle Creek Enquirer reports the $5 million project at the Gilmore Car Museum would add more than 25,000 square feet of exhibit space. The groundbreaking is set for next year with plans to open the new addition by 2021.

Stacie Longwell Sadowski is the museum's development and engagement manager and says the popularity of previous muscle car exhibits sparked the idea for the expansion.

The museum in rural southwest Michigan currently has 20 muscle cars on display, which is expected to double.

The Gilmore Car Museum says it has over 500 vehicles and the oldest car on exhibit is an 1899 Locomobile Steam Car.