Bomb squad diffuses homemade explosive on truck in Wayne
Bomb squad called to Wayne for homemade explosive
A slew of police departments and bomb squad agencies converged on a Wayne County neighborhood Sunday afternoon after a suspicious package alert was determined a credible threat. Residents were evacuated for hours as crews disassembled the device.
WAYNE, Mich. (FOX 2) - A slew of police departments and bomb squad agencies converged on a Wayne County neighborhood Sunday afternoon after a suspicious package alert was determined a credible threat. Residents were evacuated for hours as crews disassembled the device.
The homemade explosive device was found in the wheel well of a truck parked at a home in the city of Wayne on Gloria Street near Annapolis.
The device was disassembled and rendered inert. While the threat is no longer present, neighbors still had a bevy of questions about what happened on their street.
"It was scary, it really scared the crap out of me," said Jennifer Lees. "Bomb squad here, all kinds of cop cars, fire trucks."
At one point, even storm sirens sounded off in the city as a warning after the device was located.
"If that person would have got up and left, they could be dead right now," said Machelle Hamlin. "To have that happening here in Wayne, we don’t that stuff going on."
Andrew Maciag, who was also evacuated due to the bomb threat said everyone's doors were knocked on due to the emergency.
The response drew a number of police agencies, from local officials in Wayne to the Metro Bomb Squad, the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, and the FBI having boots on the ground. Footage showed one specialist outfitted in a suit built to withstand an explosion.
It was diffused after a couple of hours and folks were allowed to return to their homes.
Sources told FOX 2 that a suspect was brought in to questioning, but no further details were available.