Brandon Hudson hits the books at pro wrestling school | FOX 2 Detroit

Brandon Hudson hits the books at pro wrestling school

So, the one thing about working in TV is that you have no problem stepping out of your comfort zone.

I have chased pigs before. I have scrambled eggs on live TV, I've been 50 feet in the air for a DTE demonstration. But stepping into a wrestling ring, is something that's next-level.

I was The Rock for Halloween, I took a wrestling commentator class. I was at WWE SummerSlam when they came to Detroit over the summer. So little did I know that two months after that event, I would be stepping into the ring myself.

Over the summer, my co-workers and I did a podcast for WWE SummerSlam. And we tried to tie it into the economic boom that Detroit's going to get with having one of WWE's biggest events coming to town. 

For one of the episodes, we had Zach Gowen on the show. And midway through the show, he's like, "I got an announcement to make, and I'm going to make it on your podcast."

"October 13 at  Hype Athletics in Wayne, Michigan, I'm running a professional wrestling event, a wrestling show, I will be wrestling. We have booked Bret 'The Hitman' Hart for it," he said.

So we were going to originally just cover the story because this is a great way to raise awareness for children and families who are dealing with autism. And then like two weeks before the show, I get a text message from Zach and he says, ‘What do you think about stepping in the ring?’

So Truth Martini has a school in Center Line called House of Truth. We go there, we do a session and practice the clothesline with a back elbow.

But I had to also learn that, when you're there, everything focuses on the center of the ring.

Related: Pro wrestling's 'Hart of the Matter' raises money for children with autism in Wayne

Then they said how about doing a 'Stinger Splash' originally from the Hall of Fame wrestler Sting. His move is (with a running start) he flies across the ring and lands into people.

I had to practice that, a number of times.

I feel bad for (training partner) KJ there, because I'm having to jump into him. And then they had me do a 'Rock Bottom' which you know, growing up as a big fan of The Rock and of course, dressing as him for Halloween, that was the cherry on top there.

Then we get to a week and a half later, and it's showtime.

Let me tell you this. There are only two other times in my life, when I have felt as nervous as I did that day - it was my wedding, and it was the birth of my twins.

I got to talk to a couple of the wrestlers. One of them was from Dearborn. His name was Karam and he was main event-ing the night with Rhino.

"I grew up watching Rhino too. So it's all kind of surreal," he said. "Finally my friends and family can come and watch me. I don't travel a lot. So I don't do a lot of things in the Metro Detroit area. So to have this in my backyard for a good cause, man, it's surreal."

And then we got to meet a guy who I would end up tag-teaming with, later on in the show. His name is Greg, and what was really unique about his story, is that he has cerebral palsy (impacting) one of his arms. But he told me he watched Zach wrestle with one leg. And so that inspired him to wrestle and learn how to wrestle with cerebral palsy.

"Somewhere along that journey, Zach heard my story, found out that I was inspired by him, and it was during a time in his life where Zach maybe needed a little inspiration," Greg said. "And so he inspired me to become a wrestler. I was inspired to continue wrestling and so what I can do with two legs he can't, what he can do with two arms, I can't. It's the best of both worlds."

It is time for our match. Out comes Truth and Ryan KJ and Aaron. And then at some point, Aaron pushes me down to the ground, and then things kind of escalate from there.

So then we have our match, I get in my ring - and I do my thing.

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