Breakthrough Towing gets busted | FOX 2 Detroit

Breakthrough Towing gets busted

It turns out Breakthrough Towing should not be towing cars, period - that's the latest twist. We'll explain in a minute.

Complaints about Breakthrough Towing have been coming into FOX 2 for months.

Complaints from people like Cherry, who say her car got towed while she was sitting in a Midtown Detroit McDonald's drinking coffee. She was stranded and had to walk two miles to the Transit Center. 

Cherry is the latest in a string of unhappy people who say they got the hook. In October, I showed you cars being towed from this party store in midtown Detroit. 

In November, Breakthrough was fined from the city for compliance violations. Then on Monday, FOX 2 introduced you to Marilyn and her daughter, Carla, who went to court after their cars got towed and won a judgment against Breakthrough Towing. 

But Breakthrough hasn't paid them a dime.

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Now, I found out the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division of the Michigan State Police commission sent Breakthrough a cease and desist letter. 

Towing companies have to apply the state every year to operate. Their authority to operate and tow vehicles was revoked on Jan. 1, because they did not reapply. But I just saw them towing cars, last week.

I put a call into the Breakthrough Towing lawyer. I'll let you know what he says about all of this.

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