City of Troy honors 109 community members who lost their lives to COVID

Just outside of Troy City hall, underneath the American flag, 109 white flags were placed to represent each community member who lost their life due to COVID.

Mayor Ethan Baker says, "I think it’s a beautiful tribute to them; it obviously doesn’t do anything to touch the pain these families are feeling, but we wanted the city of Troy residents to know we take it very seriously we care very much about the lives that have been lost in Troy."

Officials say on Monday night city council will issue a proclamation about the tribute. Baker says he believes this is the first COVID tribute done in Oakland County.

"I was asked, well, you know people are still passing away from Covid is the right time to do it? That’s a tough question for any of us; we really struggled with that, but we really wanted to start something now, and we have the ability to add flags if any further Troy residents pass away," says Baker.

Vaccines in Oakland county are still rolling out, and Baker says he is encouraging residents to follow CDC guidelines and let grieving families in Troy know they are not alone.

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