City of Warren considers fee for EMS non-emergency runs

The City of Warren is considering a fee for all EMS runs that aren't true emergencies.

"We have long been facing the challenge of privately run nursing home facilities long term care facilities that are using the city, and city resources that are taxpayer funded for their private interests," said Councilmember Jonathan Lafferty.

Lafferty says a prime example of this is when senior living facilities use the amublances for basic transport runs.

"If you and I needed an ambulance run, we’re waiting in line for private businesses that are using our City facilities at little to no cost to them," he said. "And they’re doing it on purpose."

FOX 2 reached out to several nursing home facilities and all declined to comment.

"If it’s an emergency you call emergency services just like anybody would," he said. "But if you are simply transporting patients to and from physical therapy or other private medical needs, you need to hire your own private firms to do so."

City Council recently voted to authorize its attorney to write an ordinance that would require facilities making non-emergency EMS calls to pay up

"If you’re going to use the city for these standard transports you’re also going to receive a bill," Lafferty said.

This city council member says this issues is about more than money.

"It’s not so much the cost that concerns me," he said. "As much as it is the risk to Warren residents who have to wait their turn in line behind some private entity that does not have the same care and concern as we do prioritizing the needs of our residents."
