Cleaning company vaporizing coronavirus worries for metro Detroit businesses | FOX 2 Detroit

Cleaning company vaporizing coronavirus worries for metro Detroit businesses

A cleaning company in southeast Michigan is vaporizing coronavirus worries for hundreds of businesses in the area. 

Enviro-Master Services has a special tool - the virus vaporizer - that spreads disinfectant through an electrostatic spray. It helps kill coronavirus COVID-19 and dozens of other bacteria and viruses. 

"A good analogy, janitorial companies are like the toothbrush - and we're like the dentist," says Ketura Brandes with Enviro-Masters. 

She explains how the virus vaporizer works. 

"The virus vaporizer service actually uses a germicide that travels through the gun and as it travels through the gun it actually gives it a positive charge, and the positive charge allows that germicide to adhere to those hardcore surfaces like the desks, toilet seats, handles, partitions - difficult things to reach for a janitorial company."

They say the oxidation makes it stick longer and that it blasts the coronavirus away along with more than 40 other bacteria and viruses. 

"It's not harmful to people; it's not harmful to the environment. And germs can't build up an immunity to it because it uses oxygen to kill. So it's unique in that way that it's very safe but very powerful," Masters says. 

Mills Gymnastics in Southgate is one of Enviro-Master Services' customers. Two thousand people come through the gym every week, so the most important drill of all right now is cleanliness.

Mills has no plans to cut down on the foot traffic coming through his gym, so he's safeguarding every bar, mat and person that comes through with help from the virus vaporizer.

"The darker the cloud, the brighter the silver lining - if you have the tenacity to find it," Mills says. "Maybe with this outbreak people will be more health-conscious of the habits to prevent spreading." 

Right now, the virus vaporizer is only being used in the area by Enviro-Master Services in the businesses they service. They are not offering it for in-home use. 

The federal government is still evaluating this product before they give their stamp of approval. 

You can get more information on Enviro-Master Services online here