Commission wants family judge disbarred after her son was convicted for child abuse

A judicial commission says a Wayne County judge should be disbarred for lying about her son's child abuse.

The Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission is making the recommendation about Judge Tracy Green. who serves in Wayne County family court for her part in covering up the years-long abuse.  

In 2019  her son, Gary Davis-Headd, was convicted of beating his children on two felony counts of child abuse. Five months after, his children told FOX 2 that he had beat them - and that his mother - Judge Tracy Green, helped cover up the abuse.

"My dad would tell her about a bruise I had or something and she would put makeup on it because we had to go to school and stuff," said one of her grandchildren to FOX 2's ML Elrick in 2019. "He didn't want people to see."

"I didn't put makeup on any bruises to conceal any abuse," she said in response. "That is utterly preposterous. It just didn't happen.

"I am certainly capable of protecting children from my perch as a Third Circuit Court judge. There is nothing I have done, or would ever do, to jeopardize the safety of any child. Particularly a child that I love. And what I am saying to you Mr. Elrick, is that I've done nothing wrong.

"I have not failed to do something that I should have done, and that's the bottom line."

Gary Davis-Headd told the judge he only beat his children with a belt to correct them.

During his sentencing in October of 2019, his first wife, Choree Bressler,  told the court he used his mother's connections to protect him.

"Their father beat them brutally for years, without fear of any repercussions, because of who his mother is. Judge Tracy Green created and raised a monster," Bressler said.

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The five children were removed from their father's home and were sent to live with their birth mothers.

Attempts to reach Judge Green were unsuccessful.