Consumers Energy gas prices increasing in Michigan

Expect to pay more to heat your home this winter after the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) approved a Consumers Energy natural gas rate increase this week.

A typical residential customer who uses 100 ccf of natural gas a month will have about a $4.20 increase a month when the new rates go into effect Oct. 1.

You can check your usage on your Consumers account through the Energy Dashboard. Change the data type to usage. This will be displayed in Mcf. Multiply the Mcf by 100 to see your usage in ccf. 

The agreement approved Wednesday allows for a $95 million rate increase for the company, down from the $212 million it was seeking. It's also less than the company's last rate hike, which was $170 million in July 2022. 

According to the MPSC, this money will be used for capital infrastructure improvements, investment in technology and operational efficiency, and increased financing costs.

As part of the agreement, Consumers can also spend $214 million on its Enhanced Infrastructure Replacement Program on a minimum of 110.8 miles of installed main replacement.
