Contractor scams victims • Some want I-375 project paused • Closing arguments in Jaylin Brazier murder trial | FOX 2 Detroit

Contractor scams victims • Some want I-375 project paused • Closing arguments in Jaylin Brazier murder trial

After 32 witnesses took the stand for the prosecution, closing arguments will be delivered in Jaylin Brazier's murder trial.

Brazier, 25, is accused of killing his cousin Zion Foster. 

Brazier previously admitted he threw Foster's body in a dumpster after they died while smoking weed in January 2022, but maintains that he did not kill her. During the trial, some discrepancies emerged. For instance, he said during one police interview that the pair took acid, but said during another interview that they did not.

He is currently on parole for lying to police and was charged with Foster's murder while in prison for that crime.

The defense did not call any witnesses during the trial. After closing arguments wrap up the evidence presented, a jury will decide Brazier's fate.


Zion Foster murder: Closing arguments in Jaylin Brazier's trial set for Thursday

Closing arguments will be delivered before a jury decides the fate of Jaylin Brazier, a man accused of killing his cousin Zion Foster.

Some Detroiters want I-375 project suspended

A sizable group of Detroit residents, business owners and other concerned citizens have issues with the proposed redesign of I-375. So much so that they’re asking for a pause on the project to let the group weigh in.

Residents say community feedback has not been taken seriously by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) thus far.

A petition to halt the project already has about 500 signatures, and that number could grow.

Signatures include many upset Detroiters, Wayne County residents, a church, non-profits, several Greek town businesses and others – all who believe the proposal to "reconnect communities" does anything but.

"I've been hearing from a lot of my neighbors how hurtful that is because the irony (is) that this is a project that's being imposed on the neighborhood that none of us asked for," said Rachel Lutz, the owner of the Peacock Room in Detroit. "We still don't fully understand even what it is."


Detroit residents urge suspension of I-375 redevelopment project

A sizable group of Detroit residents, business owners and other concerned citizens have issues with the proposed redesign of I-375. So much so that they’re asking for a pause on the project to let the group weigh in.

Wrong-way driver tech coming to freeways

Eight freeway exits around Metro Detroit are getting technology designed to deter wrong-way drivers.

The systems will include cameras that detect drivers getting on the freeways the wrong way and activate bright flashing lights to alert the drivers that they are going the wrong way. These lights will continue flashing until the driver turns around or is out of the camera's sight. The backs of signs on ramps will also have reflective tape.

Selected freeways include I-696, I-375, and I-75.

According to MDOT, the addition of the tech is possible thanks to a grant for Woodward Corridor improvements. The eight ramps were picked based on their proximity to Woodward Avenue, along with a review of wrong-way driving in those areas since 2019.


Wrong-way driver detection coming to 3 Metro Detroit freeways -- How it works

Wrong-way driving technology is coming to I-696, I-75, and I-375. Similar tech is already in use along a West Michigan freeway.

More testimony expected in Hutch's Jewelry murder

More witnesses will take the stand and give testimony during the trial of two men accused of plotting the murder of well-known jeweler Dan "Hutch" Hutchinson.

Attorney Marco Bisbikis and accused gunman Roy Larry are both standing trial this week for the June 1, 2022 murder. Others charged after the crime include Angelo Raptoplous, Darnell Larry, and Phillip Sumpter.

Raptoplous and Darnell Larry pleaded guilty to solicitation to murder and agreed to testify against Bisbikis and Roy Larry as part of their plea deals to avoid life sentences.

The suspects are accused of plotting Hutchinson's murder after Bisbikis allegedly wrote himself into the Oak Park jeweler's will.

Prosecutors say Bisbikis lied to Raptoplous and told him he and some powerful associates on the East Coast were in danger of being indicted because of Hutchinson – and that the jeweler and his wife had to be taken care of.

"I didn't want to see them die, but I didn't want anything to happen to Marco," Raptoplous said.


Hutch's Jewelry murder trial: Defendant testifies against co-conspirator

One of the five defendants accused of conspiring to kill jeweler Daniel Hutchinson, 33-year-old Angelo Raptoplous, testified against his godbrother and closest friend Marco Bisbikis during trial on Wednesday.

Customers scammed by unlicensed contractor 

Poor Artimus Brintley. First a fire, then a burglary.

"He just let the guy in here and the guy came in here and cased the place and came back the next day and robbed it," said George.

Things got so bad for Artimus, he had to start a GoFundMe page.

"We took him to Home Depot and bought him some tools .... and he took those with him when he left," said Jodi, a customer.

See, before you feel sorry for Artimus, a contractor who claims to be licensed and insured, you should know that Artimus hasn't exactly been honest.

He's not licensed, he's not insured, and customers are falling victim to his lies.

Watch Rob Wolchek's full investigation: 


Customer forced to pay for contractor's lies

Before you feel sorry for Artimus, a contractor who claims to be licensed and insured, you should know that he hasn't exactly been honest.

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