'Cut the crap out': Car windows smashed in pellet gun spree in Warren
Pellet gun attacks on cars frustrate Warren residents
As James Przeadzki was preparing to head out for work, the sound of broken glass sent a shiver through his body, he said. He walked outside to find a large hole in his car window.
WARREN, Mich. (FOX 2) - Several vehicles in the area of 13 Mile and Schoenherr in Warren have been shot up with pellets recently, raising concerns among residents.
As James Przeadzki was preparing to head out for work, the sound of broken glass sent a shiver through his body, he said. He walked outside to find a large hole in his car window.
"Wasn’t little. Shattered all inside, all over the floor," Przeadzki of Warren said. "There’s still glass all over here where my car was parked."
Someone drove by and shot his window out with a pellet gun.
Warren Police say Przeadzki is far from being the only victim.
"I looked down the street, my neighbor over here, he’s got a hole in his window. My neighbors down there has got a hole in their window," Przeadzki said. "It was everybody that was parked on the right side of the street, all the way down."
Multiple cars on Pinto Street and Parker Circle suffered the same fate, according to police.

And the cost of repairs hits pretty hard.
"It cost me $300, plus it cost me the money for the motor that raises up and down because the tension broke the little plastic clips that hold it in," Przeadzki said.
The total cost came out to about $500, the Warren resident added.
It is a burden, "especially when you’re fighting to pay bills day by day, week by week," he said.
According to Warren investigators, the suspects may be teens driving through the neighborhood overnight.

But now, police and neighbors are keeping an extra eye out.
"Sooner or later, something like this is going to catch up to you, and it's not going to be good," Przeadzki said. "Cut the crap out while you can."
The incidents are still under investigation.