Dearborn adopts strict fugitive dust ordinance

Abdullah Hammoud

Mayor Abdullah Hammoud has been pushing back against fugitive dust since his days in the state House of Representatives.

Now, as mayor of Dearborn, he and the city council have recently passed one of the strictest "bulk storage" ordinances in Michigan, which they say will cut down on fugitive dust. 

The Dearborn City Council unanimously voted in support of an amendment to the City’s "bulk storage" ordinance brought forward by Hammoud at the end of April. 

"The revisions made to our bulk storage ordinance impose substantial standards on our commercial facilities to help us control and monitor substances that have for too long created serious public health risks for families living near industrial facilities, particularly in the Southend and East Dearborn," Hammoud said. "Our commitment to health-in-all-policies means having an uncompromising approach to setting commonsense public health standards in every pocket of the city."

The amended ordinance creates minimum standards for the safe handling and storage of bulk solid materials, which includes any solid substance or material that can be used as a fuel, ingredient, or component in a manufacturing or construction process that may create fugitive dust. 

These standards include but are not limited to: 

  • Prohibiting any fugitive dust past the property line;
  • limiting pile height for outdoor storage to 25 ft. (15 ft. for combustible materials); and
  • requiring enclosure of "carbonaceous bulk solid materials", solid substances that can occur naturally or are human-made and are rich in carbon.

The amended ordinance also requires mandatory monitoring and reporting by bulk storage facilities and routine required inspections by the City.

The ordinance also creates a designated fund where money collected through enforcement, donations, or appropriated funds can be used to promote public health and wellness, including purchase and maintenance of air monitors.

The minimum standards set out in the ordinance address:

  • Control of fugitive dust.
  • Enclosures or water spray systems to control dust at conveyors and transfer points.
  • An 8 miles-per-hour truck speed limit within a property.
  • Requirements for all outgoing trucks be cleaned of loose materials and pass through wheel wash or rumble strips.
  • Mandate for all trucks carrying bulk solid materials to have covered truck beds and trailers.
  • Requirements for facilities to use street sweepers on paved roads inside or within one-quarter mile of their perimeters.
  • 25 feet height limit for outdoor storage and 15 feet for outdoor combustible materials.
  • Mandate for piles be set back at least 100 feet from waterways, unless in process of being loaded/unloaded to vessel for no longer than 24 hours.
  • Establishment of enclosure requirements for "carbonaceous bulk solid materials".

The amended ordinance takes effect July 31. 

Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud

Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud
