Debate over what to do with historic Corktown bricks on Michigan Ave.
Push to 'Save the Bricks' on Michigan Ave in Corktown
Corktown's revitlization is coming with some debate -- how to save the bricks that are at the center of Corktown's charm.
DETROIT (FOX 2) - Detroit's oldest neighborhood is in the middle of a rebirth – but some of its most famous features are possibly on the chopping block.
Construction on Michigan Ave is badly needed – but the bricks that makeup Corktown's unique charm are out of date and need to be updated.
The bricks on Michigan Ave are part of Corktown's identity, but the Michigan Department of Transportation needs to update the outdated infrastructure to be safer.
"You try to cross this highway, it’s a little intimidating. We want to establish some type of mid-block crossing. We’d like a safe opportunity for bikers, we want people who want to walk or park be able to do so," said MDOT's Mohammed Alghurabi.
The multi-million project is on pause right now and is hosting a meeting for community feedback at the Gaelic League in Corktown.
"We’re gonna do everything we can if there are ways to salvage the brick, we will do that. Keep in mind, some of it might not be usable to be part of a roadway. However, we want to listen to the community tonight and see their ideas," said Alghurabi.
Beyond the bricks, the Corktown Business Association is concerned the new project will remove parking and make it harder to traverse Corktown — by turning two lanes into transit only.
"One lane of traffic going into downtown, another lane of traffic coming out of downtown. We’ll lose 63 on-street parking spaces. There will be no left turns except at single intersections, no left turns off feeder streets. It’s really gonna gridlock Corktown," McShane's owner Bob Roberts said.
He's the president of the Corktown Business Association and says he agrees about making Michigan Ave. safer but hopes to keep at least two lanes of traffic in both directions, save parking spaces — and save the bricks.
"Hopefully we can learn from them, hopefully, they can take appreciation for our concern with our businesses and our Detroit jobs we have and we can come up with some type of a compromise.
MDOT and the city are meeting until 7 p.m. on Thursday at the Gealic League.