Deliver My Ride allows online car shopping brought to your door | FOX 2 Detroit

Deliver My Ride allows online car shopping brought to your door

You buy your clothes, books and house supplies online so why not buy your car online?

There's an app for that.

"We are actually working with dealers who want to expand their volume. They are volume minded already so that helps," said Deliver My Ride Co-Founder Mike McInerney.

He teamed up with Peter Karmanos, Mark Hillman and the folks at MadDog Technology and the site is now live. Deliver My Ride works directly with car dealerships -- more than 40 of them in Michigan -- for inventory and delivers the ride right to your house.  

"Decide on a car and know that it is available and you can have it delivered in 24 hours. For the 80 percent of women that are making the decision where almost all of them don't want to go to a car dealership, this is nirvana," said Peter Karmanos, Deliver My Ride developer.

Both founders of the site say this isn't meant to replace dealerships.  Instead, giving them more business. Fueling another part of their profits by tapping into an audience that's sitting on their tablets and phones.  

"Give them the assurance that they're getting the best price possible and that they're not going to sit and wait eight weeks for that car to be built or sometimes months," Karmanos said.

Richard Brinkley with Art Moran Buick GMC says this app isn't something they are worried about.  

"It's a relationship and they still want that. We still have that going for us. People want to deal with one on one, build a relationship," he said

Deliver My Ride has millennials in mind.  

"They don't want to sell cars in the dealership, they don't want to sell books in the bookstore, they don't want to sell TVs and the electronics store and they don't want to sell newspapers around the corner because that's not where the customer is. The customer is online," McInerney said.