Delivery driver strikes and kills woman in Detroit, continues delivering pizza

A delivery driver struck and killed a woman with his vehicle last weekend, a block from where she lives on Detroit's west side.

But instead of stopping and calling 911, he continued delivering a pizza, according to Detroit police.

Delia Dinwiddie, 56, was killed at the exact same intersection her own mother was killed by a vehicle, decades earlier – off Lindwood Street near Davison.

"He could've at least stopped, turned around and looked. He just kept going, like she (was) nothing," said Delia's husband, Ronald Hudgins. "I just seen her eyes opening and they were putting her in the EMS. That's the last time I ever seen her."

Hudgins has not slept much since his wife was killed on Saturday, June 8, on the same block they met on 44 years ago, he told FOX 2.

Delia Dinwiddie (Provided by Ahleche Dinwiddie.)

"We believe that (the driver) knew that he had hit someone, and he continued his course of travel to finish his delivery," said Detroit Police Commander Rebecca McKay.

The suspect is Joseph Stewart, according to police. It was paramedics, who happened to be in the area, who spotted Delia in the road.

Delia had a fear of the Linwood and Davison intersection because, at 11 years old, she watched her mother get killed by a car there, her granddaughter, Ahleche Dinwiddie, said.

"She always said she didn't want to die over here, and she did not want to die like that – and she did both," Ahleche added. "My grandma watched her mama die at the end of that corner, the same exact way."

Her husband, now a widow, just clings to her purse day and night, saying he cannot even believe this is real life.

Detroit police used license plate readers and green light cameras to track down the suspect, who was located in Flint. He was arrested and charged.

"I hope he rots in hell for doing what he did to my wife," Hudgins said. "He destroyed my whole family."

If Stewart is convicted, he could spend up to 15 years in prison. His bond was set at $100,000. A GoFundMe has been started for funeral expenses. Click HERE to donate.

DetroitCrime and Public Safety