Detroit Audubon Society changing name as it drops namesake's racist legacy

The Detroit Audubon society chapter has announced it will change its name that will shelve the word ‘Audubon' from its title as looks to honor its mission of bird conservation while recognizing the controversial legacy of the group's inspiration. 

The new name, The Detroit Bird Alliance, will take effect in 2024.

The announcement was made in coordination with National Audubon Society chapters in Chicago and Madison, Wisconsin on Oct. 20. It split on the name change with the national organization, which said it would retain the Audubon.

John Audubon was a naturalist from the 19th century whose claim to fame grew after a series of paintings of birds from North America. After his name became associated with braid conservation, figures Harriet Hemenway and Minna B. Hall founded the first bird conservation society and named it the Massachusetts Audubon Society. 

Audubon himself was not a conservationist, according to the Detroit Audubon's website. He was however a racist and strong advocate for slavery, having written endorsing the return of escaped slaves to their owners. He also supplied a scientist with the skulls of indigenous individuals that he had exhumed from grave sites. His goal was to advance a theory of racial inequality.

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Research over the past few years has uncovered this legacy, prompting several local chapters to come to terms with their name.

"When you recognize John James Audubon’s environmental legacy, you also have to grapple with his full legacy," said Matt Reetz, Badgerland Bird Alliance executive director. "After talking to community members and partners, and listening to our members, we learned that for some groups, Audubon simply meant ‘birds’—but for many others, it meant harm. It’s not enough to just put an asterisk next to the name. We needed to have our name promote our work: bird conservation that includes everyone."

Chapters in San Francisco and Seattle previously changed their name.