Detroit graffiti artist known for 'Blur' tag vanishes | FOX 2 Detroit

Detroit graffiti artist known for 'Blur' tag vanishes

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A man known in Detroit neighborhoods for his graffiti has been missing almost a month. Now, his friends and family are worried for his safety.

Daniel Schnoblen has been missing for almost four weeks. Those who know him him have been wondering where he's been ever since.

"We're hoping for the best. We just don't know." Tony Dillof said. "One day he said he was going out for a walk to clear his head and went down to Riverfront and no one has heard anything after that."

Just like that, the man known around Metro Detroit disappeared. Dillof said Daniel is passionate about his work as a graffiti artist and he put a lot of effort into his work

"Blur was his tag. You can see it around in Dequinder Cut, Eastern Market, and all around Detroit. He was proud of it. He thought of his work as an artist. He was doing graffiti designs for people," Dillof said.

It wasn't all easy. Dillof said Daniel was working to overcome some challenges and had moved in with him after he lost his job.

"Dan had some challenges related to alcohol and drugs. He lost his job but he was looking for another job," Dillof said.

Now, friends are searching for the man. They've created a Facebook page to try and generate leads and police ask anyone with information to contact them.

"We've tried putting together a search party and we've contacted everybody we could think of. It's a mystery," Dillof said.

"I don't think he disappeared. He's not the type to do that," Dan's friend Maria Noriega said

Friends say they remain hopeful and if Daniel can hear their voice, they want him to know they care about him and they won't stop looking for him.