Detroit Labor Day March canceled third year in a row | FOX 2 Detroit

Detroit Labor Day March canceled third year in a row

The annual Labor Day March in Detroit is canceled for the third year in a row due to raised virus concerns.

"The Metro-Detroit Central Labor Council regrets to announce the cancellation of our annual Labor Day March down Michigan Avenue, said Daryl Newman, president of the Metro-Detroit CLC. "For years we have marched through the Motor City in honor of those who fought for our hard-earned rights in the workplace. Still, out of an abundance of caution, given the rise in COVID cases and monkeypox, we have decided to put everyone’s safety first and cancel this year’s event."

Michigan has a current average of 3,309 COVID-19 cases per day; an increase from last week's average of 2,305 COVID-19 cases per day. There are currently 104 cases of Monkeypox (MPV) statewide. There were 71 cases reported two weeks ago on August 4.

The AFL-CIO announced the cancellation ahead of the event set to take place on Sept. 5. The Labor Day March was also canceled in 2020 and 2021.

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