Detroit marijuana map website monitors centers | FOX 2 Detroit

Detroit marijuana map website monitors centers

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Activist Winfred Blackmon says he continues to fight to keep illegal marijuana centers from springing up in the City of Detroit

"Detroit has an ordinance let's enforce it," he said.

Blackmon says he gets numerous calls about these centers, so he was happy to learn the city has started an interactive online map which will let residents see firsthand the status of medical marijuana centers in the city.

"We figured why not get a map that shows what's been approved, what's not been, (and) what's going through the process," he said.

The information is just a click away and will be updated every Monday.

Residents who see one of these shops in their neighborhood but do not see the location on the map can use the website to report their concerns.

"There's a link on that map where they can file a complaint and we monitor it daily," Blackmon said. "And we will address it within 24 hours."

Until 2015 there were no regulations in place to control how many dispensaries could open and where they could operate.

City officials say since the regulations took effect last year, nearly 300 applications have been received but nearly 200 shops have been shut down.

But Marvin Jamo's center is city approved and he says he happy about the new map.

"It's a relief," he said. "We did try to pick the right facility away from red zones and to have one of the first license is good."

If you are looking to open a center, the site also provides the 411 on the application to open a site, regulations, and permit forms

"If they are not operating legally we will issue a letter to vacate," Blackmon said.

For more details and to check out the map CLICK HERE.

"We expect approximately 50 businesses when this is all said and done," said Blackmon. "The rest of them we expect to go away."