Detroit mother of 2 continues battle with kidney disease while hoping for transplant chance

Many of us know someone dealing with chronic kidney disease which affects more than 1 in 7 adults in the United States - close to 37 million Americans.

And if you have diabetes or high blood pressure, the risk is even greater.

"I’ve been dealing since I was 13." said Teana Williams.

The last time FOX 2 spoke with now-28-year-old Teana Williams, a mother of two boys, she was hoping to get a kidney transplant. She still needs one

"I just try to make sure she’s okay. I love my mom," said Cortez Johnson, her son.

Cortez, who is 8 years old, says he’s trying to make sure she’s okay. He loves his mom, but witnesses the struggles of living with failing kidneys.

"My port up here (motions to her chest) had gotten infected and the lady wasn’t supposed to do dialysis, but she did it anyway," said Teana. "That day I was feeling super sick and I had to be rushed to the hospital."

Dialysis helps remove extra fluid and waste products from the blood when the kidneys are not able to.

Since then she’s doing a treatment at home - what’s called peritoneal dialysis.

"I've got it right here, (pointing at left ribs) at my stomach," she said. "It's kind of better to be honest."

Teana showed the port for the treatment.

Hilary Golston, FOX 2: "What do you go through on the emotional level  having to do dialysis every day?"

"I really don’t let it get to me to be honest," Teana said. "I really don’t let it mess with me, my emotions."

The hope is finding a kidney through a living or deceased donor - so she can be around for her children.

According to the National Kidney Foundation: The average life expectancy on dialysis is five to 10 years. However, many patients have lived well on dialysis for 20 or even 30 years.

If you’d like to learn more about being a live donor go HERE.

Teana WIlliams, left, and her son Cortez.

Teana WIlliams, left, and her son Cortez.