Detroit pastor helps twin sisters hesitant about COVID-19 vaccine to see past conspiracies

Twin sisters Angela and Andrea were against getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

Both sisters battled the virus in January and, with the help of some people, changed their minds and got vaccinated. 

RELATED: Biden renews push for COVID-19 vaccine

"It’s very important that we start shifting the way we think about the vaccine. I was hesitant at first, but now I am a believer," Angela Davis

Rev. Dr. John Duckworth helped them see past conspiracies.

"He brought in medical people, doctors, and nurses, people in the medical field to us. Not only were they knowledgeable, they were accessible and we could call them, we got to hear it, firsthand, tell me about it come out what am I gonna feel like come out, everything like that," Andrea Davis said.

The women's aunt also helped convince them to get the vaccine. She suggested they look up Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, a renowned viral immunologist who helped develop the Moderna vaccine.

"My aunt who stays up on the news all the time shared that with me and made me look her up., My aunt, she shared a lot of information with me. She was hesitant as well," Angela Davis said.

Right now, the Council of Baptist Pastors knows that those who are hesitant aren’t paying as much attention to doctors who are on national television. Instead, they're paying attention to their communities. Fifty churches have teamed up to open pop-up clinics.

"I believe in miracles but I also believe in the science. I have a respect for the science," Angela Davis said.

The twins are using their stories and their faith to encourage others to get vaccinated.

Coronavirus VaccineCoronavirus in Michigan